ALL In News
Wednesday February 15th, 2012
Stay in the loop and up to the minute on new features, improvements, and information you need.
These great new improvements and features are live!
Version 3.1.96 of ASSIST Available in App Store
ASSIST version 3.1.96 for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch is now available in the app store, with great new features and enhancements.
Edit Key After Assessment Administered
If you find an error in your answer key after an assessment has been finished and want to correct it, or you want to just cut the class some slack, you can now edit your key after the fact and all the tests will be re-graded with the changes to the key. You can change what the correct answer should have been, or count all students correct for that question. This feature is found in the footprints tab, in the Actions menu. Thanks to Madison County and Dowell Middle School.
Slides Uploaded and Downloaded Between PLUS and ASSIST
Your beautiful blueprint slides and images are no longer stuck in the cloud. They can now go between PLUS and ASSIST 3.1.96. You can download slides to show students or use as queues for teaching, and even add a photo from your device’s image library into your ASSIST blueprint and upload it to PLUS. This handy new ability can make instruction and content creation more flexible and convenient than ever.
Improved Bubble Sheet Scanning in ASSIST and PLUS
ASSIST version 3.1.96 and the newest updates to PLUS bring an improved scanning engine so that less-than-ideal scanning conditions are handled better, resulting in faster grading time.
Value-Added Analysis
The Value-Added Analysis is like those “Before” and “After” photos in diet commercials, except the product isn’t the Ab Blaster 2000 — it’s the Ignorance Blaster 2000. See the example image below, in which the green results on the right mean all our students improved the second time this assessment was taken. Teachers will have this report available whenever they select two or more footprints (ideally the same assessment delivered to the same class) and click the “Aggregate” button.
Admin Footprint Export Button
Teachers get all the fun: Filling young minds with knowledge, impacting the world, exporting footprints to CSV files … Well it’s time somebody stood up for the big guys! Admins can now export footprints to CSV files as well, by selecting “export” in the Actions menu. Thanks to Jeremy S. in New York for this request.
More Options for Sharing Blueprints
You can now “push” blueprints to your specific PLCs, lock blueprints from being edited, copied or shared, and send email notifications — in addition to the ability to share blueprints with your entire campus. These options all appear now when you click the Share button.
Improvements to PLC Integration
The Professional Learning Community movement is growing as educators see the impact of collaboration. In addition to quick sharing of common assessments and results directly among PLCs, we’ve also improved our PLC tab layout, make common assessments automatically aggregated and easy to discuss, and improve to the way reports are displayed, and created a Team Lead role that can add and manage their PLC members.
Report Exports Can Include Student Name and/or ID
Sometimes you don’t want a student’s name attached to the results you are sharing with someone. Sometimes you only want the IDs next to the data. Sometimes you want both. Sometimes you want a million dollars. We can help with some of these desires.
Other Fixes and Improvements
PLUS had several upgrades and fixes in the last few weeks, standards displays, author-only edit options for shared blueprints, improvements to the Web Scan It and Tap IT interfaces, enhancements to reports, reactivating footprints, Blueprint sharing, and other minor fixes. Thanks to Janet, Chad, and Debbie in Madison County.
That’s it for this edition of ALL In News. If you would like more information on how to use any of the features listed here, please feel free to shoot me an email or call!