Technology Solution Providers Feature Green Technology for Schools
The company that became known for their sales of student response systems, often called ‘clickers’, has announced the transition of the company from traditional, educational hardware to ALL In Learning cloud based educational technology solutions for schools.
( — July 9, 2013) Birmingham, AL — Technology Solution Providers LLC, based in Birmingham and known originally as ‘The Clicker Girls” announced its alliance with ALL In Learning, based in Denton, Texas.
ALL In Learning is an educational software development company led by Dr. Darrell Ward. Dr. Ward was the inventor of the original student response pad system that gave each student the ability to answer verbal questions from their desk using a remote device.
A former educator, Dr. Ward, sold his company 4 years ago and a year later launched ALL In Learning.
The cloud-based software provides a solution for teachers and administrators who need daily formative assessment data from technology without bogging down computers.
“Many schools are simply overwhelmed with technology issues. And, with limited staff, they simply can’t keep everything working! What excites me about cloud based software is we can have all the advantages of educational technology that produces instant results for students and teachers without the cost to the technology staff’s time and the school’s money.” said Roxanne Batson, Managing Partner of TSP.
ALL In Learning is a digital software that enables teachers to do quick and easy assessments and produce instant data.
The software can be used with the batteryless response pads, document cameras, bubble sheets and student devices to capture students’ responses in the classroom.
The All in Learning Radio Frequency response pads are the first on the market that are completely green technology with no batteries and a simple charging station. The bubble sheets that are part of the software can be laminated to be used again and again while the teachers easily capture students’ responses by taking a picture with a document camera, iPad or other “i”device which saves paper.
Ms. Batson reported that school administrators have been thrilled by the potential to not only get instant data that can help teachers identify and remediate weakness while it’s fresh, but also save money and go ‘green’.
“We’re looking forward to meeting the needs of our schools and helping our teachers with this technology that is easy to learn, effective and affordable.’ Batson added.