I am Maria Sota, 4th Grade Bilingual Teacher in Dallas ISD and the All in Learning Assessment for Learning platform has been a game changer in my classroom. The ability to provide instant feedback and to have real time access to my classroom data is the one feature I find most fascinating. The rapid formative assessment or in the moment assessment allows me to quickly identify and remediate any gaps in the learning process, which translates into an increase in student achievement.
Planning is so much easier and accurate using the data the system delivers to my ALL In Learning cloud account. It streamlines the process of assessing, collecting, analyzing, and recording the data, in order to target the standards which need to be retaught, making my job easier and more enjoyable!
The instant feedback that the clicker system provides engages my students. It gives me the opportunity to continuously message to my 4th grade students their ownership and responsibility of learning and a growth mindset.
I use the clickers to check these things, while teaching any concept:
- demonstrations of learning
- exit tickets
- quick understanding during lessons
ALL In Learning allows me to create questions on-the-fly for the students to answer, providing me with instant data. It gives me the ability to move on with the lesson, or to slow down and reteach before we move on. It’s the efficiency of accessing data and the easy implementation that makes All in Learning a “must have” in any classroom.