Thursday November 3rd, 2016
These great new improvements and features are now live!
Non-Proficient Students by Standard Report
This report can be found under Reports > Sessions > Standards > Non-Proficient Students by Standard. It separates each standard on the given assessment into its own section, showing each student that performed below your designated filter, how they performed on that standard, how many questions covered the standard, how many they answered correctly, and their score. Thank you, Dr. Green at Mays High School, for your input!
Improved Engage & Learn and Remediation Features
In Engage & Learn, we’ve improved how students’ short answer responses are scored, fixed an issue that could make it appear that grades were missing even though they were saved in the database, and updated how rubrics are handled. In the Remediation feature, we had a couple of reports of slide numbers being off – we fixed that, too!
Plus Much, Much More …
We’ve introduced a new Demographic classification of “At Risk,” improved distributed and shared assessment functionality, and fixed an ASSIST upload issue! Thank you teachers, for your requests!